Lexis Rex Inicio

Conjugación de amend

to amendenmendar

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I amendyo enmiendo
you amendtú enmiendas
he amendsél enmienda
she amendsella enmienda
we amendnosotros enmendamos
you amendvosotros enmendáis
they amendellos enmiendan
they amendellas enmiendan

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I amendedyo enmendé
you amendedtú enmendaste
he amendedél enmendó
she amendedella enmendó
we amendednosotros enmendamos
you amendedvosotros enmendasteis
they amendedellos enmendaron
they amendedellas enmendaron

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have amendedyo he enmendado
you have amendedtú has enmendado
he has amendedél ha enmendado
she has amendedella ha enmendado
we have amendednosotros hemos enmendado
you have amendedvosotros habéis enmendado
they have amendedellos han enmendado
they have amendedellas han enmendado

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had amendedyo había enmendado
you had amendedtú habías enmendado
he had amendedél había enmendado
she had amendedella había enmendado
we had amendednosotros habíamos enmendado
you had amendedvosotros habíais enmendado
they had amendedellos habían enmendado
they had amendedellas habían enmendado

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will amendyo enmendaré
you will amendtú enmendarás
he will amendél enmendará
she will amendella enmendará
we will amendnosotros enmendaremos
you will amendvosotros enmendaréis
they will amendellos enmendarán
they will amendellas enmendarán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have amendedyo habré enmendado
you will have amendedtú habrás enmendado
he will have amendedél habrá enmendado
she will have amendedella habrá enmendado
we will have amendednosotros habremos enmendado
you will have amendedvosotros habréis enmendado
they will have amendedellos habrán enmendado
they will have amendedellas habrán enmendado

I would amendyo enmendaría
you would amendtú enmendarías
he would amendél enmendaría
she would amendella enmendaría
we would amendnosotros enmendaríamos
you would amendvosotros enmendaríais
they would amendellos enmendarían
they would amendellas enmendarían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have amendedyo habría enmendado
you would have amendedtú habrías enmendado
he would have amendedél habría enmendado
she would have amendedella habría enmendado
we would have amendednosotros habríamos enmendado
you would have amendedvosotros habríais enmendado
they would have amendedellos habrían enmendado
they would have amendedellas habrían enmendado

Participio presenteAnotado
amending enmendando

Participio pasadoAnotado
amended enmendado

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